A CALM PET IS A HAPPY PET (and happy owner)

Does Your Pet Get Anxious When Traveling?

We understand the stress our furry friends can face on the road or in the air.

Whether it's a weekend getaway or a cross-country journey, anxiety can affect pets just like it does us.

Our specially formulated CBD products are designed to soothe your pet's nerves naturally.

Made from premium hemp and tailored for pets of all sizes, our CBD bacon flavored oil provides a gentle sense of calm without any drowsy side effects.

Why Choose Our Special formulated Pet CBD?

Bottle of CBD Pet Tincture with images of a dog and a cat on the label, placed next to hemp seeds and leaves.
  • Pet-Friendly Formula: Veterinarian-approved and made with love.

  • Travel Companion: Perfect for trips to our pet-friendly hotel or any adventure.

  • Peace of Mind: Your pet's well-being is our top priority.

Ease your pet's travel jitters with HempWorx Pet CBD Because a relaxed pet is a happy pet!

A CALM PET IS A HAPPY PET (and happy owner)

Woman giving Pet CBD tincture to a dog lying on its back in a grassy yard.

What you may not know, is that I run a pet-friendly hotel. I LOVE our pet guests the best!!!

Goober loves them all too … they don’t all love HIM. lol

Often, the owners are off exploring and they leave their pets with us … but the pets are nervous in new surroundings.

There are new noises, more people and in general, a lot to stress about!

(if you see me walking 25 dogs on my lunch break … you’ll know why)

Our pet CBD products help reduce the stress and anxiety for our pet and owner guests, so that they can enjoy their time away.

How It Works

Step 1
Administer CBD

Administer CBD 30 Minutes Before Fireworks Begin. You can drop it right into their mouth, put it in their food or drop it into the palm of your hand and let them lick it!

Step 2
Watch Your Pet Relax

CBD interacts with your pet’s endocannabinoid system to promote calmness.

Step 3
Enjoy a Peaceful Time Away

Spend your time away stress-free, knowing your pet is calm and happy.

What Pet Owners Are Saying

“I’ve tried a half a dozen different CBD products to help alleviate my dogs arthritic and muscular pain, some work once or twice but quit having any positive effect halfway through the bottle.

This new stuff worked every time and very quickly, within minutes after giving it to my dog. She loved the flavor, takes it right out of the dropper.”

~ Evan (local pest control officer)

“These little drops have been a game changer for how my golden retriever lives now. She used to be so afraid of thunder and storms, especially fireworks. It was hard to watch her feel so out of sorts. This product has changed her life!!"

~Michele P.

“Everything tastes better, if it tastes like bacon"

~ Goober - pet CBD fan